Duration 31:24

Geology UHC Season 3 EP1 - Creeper, AW MAN

41 watched
Published 29 Aug 2019

Hello and welcome to Geology UHC Season 3! Geology is a recorded round organized by Brodator in which every season uses a custom world using the new features of all the combat updates versions. For this season, we have 10 Teams of 4 in a barren desert world. For this season stone is replaced with sandstone and dirt/andesite/diorite/granite is replaced with sand. There is a small resource pack changing a few textures making ores fit better with the sandstone caves. Breaking Deadbushes and Cactus will drop the required resources to gear up. Cactus drops cobblestone and deadbush can drop planks/apples/leather and pumpkin pies. There is also the limited crafting gamemode that will block the craft of a few items unless you find a knowledge book. Each episode will give locations to new fossils that the players will try to find to learn the recipes of the missing crafts. Here are the players for this season: -=Team 1=- BBR: /channel/UCANMzxWCPD-qnDm4RfDQ2Iw Siah: /channel/UCDPmCRCiUvTPyOWUnrxqMfg 4everNdeavor: /user/SupremeCourtFudge JoshC2: /channel/UC16N_4MFAGMPgNNC7y1WVIQ -=Team 2=- FrostBros: /user/frostbros101 Dj8ninjette: /channel/UCgzocCXo4j8q3e8qVou5MQg Pelycosaur: /channel/UC__n6qvn8K46p9vdevSTigQ Trillibytes: /trillibytes -=Team 3=- Undauntable: /channel/UClE4vhBHVAM_mJINNS0e0IQ Flouzemaker: /user/Flouzemaker Thermal: /channel/UCxfu9TGXZX09yV8byllDYrQ Wizarde: /channel/UCE1sThUVwfd8waWLlFtPiiw -=Team 4=- CipherKai: /channel/UCaciQNrxpZ-b_l1XUQ6CYMw Hunter: /user/TGChunter Broseph: /channel/UCOz7wvGfvvfu_fvG14-HaYQ Jahrod: /channel/UCvUG77afpdIYghSp36wNLdg -=Team 5=- Andronicus: /channel/UC9Jg25ds5fodfQhtfHIpoqw PoisonPotions: /channel/UCY_DeWaMXDF96I4BmynrB9Q TastyBaconZ: /user/T4styB4conZ Stevebob: /channel/UC5LpLjTB66cD3SGJPKWtV4g -=Team 6=- Mihkee: /channel/UCuuI-snkXNFJOcIVK3b6wUg Brodator: /channel/UCLeVfTrVYZvczeKwWxm3xxA Bofishkix: /channel/UCq59p0ZS011-nn2GHXX30Ww LNERWS: /channel/UCdLNxLF7DnFFRk2GGWHYLHA -=Team 7=- Kahooter: /channel/UCCFSAk-lh-BEdQP2joMJ9BQ Fra49: /channel/UC5ml6RoBJtLrQLbaRv-U3hA TFerm: /channel/UCDHhvKCPmPyu0E_PNmeP5yw FrozenBenny: /channel/UCrgoZwDTsNEvT8JR-EFX61Q -=Team 8=- MemeDotJpeg: /channel/UCS1RYHRAUMgg8r34FLBoCew Microus: /user/TNSMicro StenStone: /user/stenn123 Crafters: /channel/UCjCW4uuL_uilAr8FKmkTYeA -=Team 9=- ThisIsHab: /channel/UCMulom8nTaQA1MprisfDg3A OmniShade: /channel/UC28_l-CNFrP1E6980Lsdmcw Karliffu: /channel/UCBFW1JLozKRnd-Hpr2wCNgQ Sheam: /channel/UCNOHX-aTj10C4VVhA7Gx8SQ -=Team 10=- Cheetaaah: /channel/UCVuMSjshSy7lQGn12-9O2ig SummerBash: /channel/UC7DSWeJDEDFzQEXpMT9yFxA DatGuyAdam: /channel/UCjqJF6_JjCwKysSsdYBKJXQ SoberBartender: /channel/UC1fqpzj9MK2-2JXOmuCLMYg Thanks to Brodator for the Host, Skripts and Renders Thanks to Flouzemaker for the Logo, Music and Intro


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