Duration 23:16


Published 19 Jan 2017

This is my weight lifting transformation. It also contains bunch of my travel photos & videos because I love traveling around the world. 肉体改造のビフォアフターのビデオをつくってみました。旅行した写真やビデオも入れてみました。旅行はアジア、ヨーロッパ、北米に行きました。 I created this video not to show off, but show what is possible. My results are not extreme. I can always improve. But I know it's also important to appreciate how far I've become to this date and celebrate my wins. このビデオをつくった理由は、見せびらかすのではなく、結果を見せることでこういう変化を創造することが可能だということをシェアしたかったからです。僕の今の体は全く完璧ではないですが、完璧であるのが大事ではなく、過程を楽しんで、たまに振り返ってどれくらい自分が変わったか見返るのも大事だからです。 In the past 3 years of working out, I was busy with school, assignments, exams, traveling, and full time work. I was living a normal student and employee life. I also had other commitment other than school and work on the side. Working out took a lot of time and effort. However, with small actions compounded over long time, you can reap a great harvest. 3年間トレーニングしていた中で、僕が大学に行ってたり、正社員で働いていたので、時間を作るのが簡単ではありませんでした。大学の課題や試験に追われて、ジムに行きたかったのに制限された時も当然ありました。他にも色々やることがあったので、ジムに全てを捧げるような事はしてませんでした。時間と労力はとてもかかりましたが、小さい努力をコツコツと積み重ねて、数ヶ月〜数年と継続していくと、とてもすごい結果を得る事ができます。 It involved: -weight and bodyfat loss -bulking -hypertrophy -circuit training -weight lifting -carb backloading -slow carb diet -keton diet -cardio -full body workout -bench press -squat -deadlift -military press -lateral raise -lat pull down -dumbbell row -ab roller -crunch -biceps curl -cable row -dumbbell bench -eating clean -working out 3-4 times a week for two years -limiting sugars and carbohydrate -macro -measuring weights everyday almost -traveling Europe, SE Asia, Japan, and North America -more than $600 gym fees a year -more than $500 protein powder a year -more than 3-4 hours spent in the gym per week -more than 7-8 hours sleep everyday -lots of sweat and muscle pains :D Results... bodyfat 10% Strength level = 3000: 9000 being the highest Hypertrophy: increase in size Aesthetic: looking shredded Nice cheek bone and chiselled jawline: girls love that apparently :D Fit body Healthy mental state: less stress hormone accumulated Better skin Drinking lots of water No pimples Feeling strong and more masculine More energy throughout the day Zen And lastly... More happiness from within because I appreciate my body and sound mind more and more... To own your life or to not own your life... Now choice is yours! 特に若い頃は、みんな自分のコンプレックスがたくさんあると思います。自分もそうでした。でもそのコンプレックスや悔しい思いを反動にして、もっともっと良い自分にアップグレードすることは、自分次第で全く可能です。コンプレックスや劣等感がある人、あった人、それを自分の味方にして、バネにしてより良い自分や自分の人生を創造してください:D もし全てのことに満足していたら、人間は成長しません。悩みやチャレンジがあるから成長でいるとも言えます。発想の転換で、今の人生を180度変えちゃいましょう。 ==About Me== I'm Sashi, a vlogger and software engineer from Canada. I'm Japanese and I lived in Japan until 20 but moved to Canada and studied Computing Science at university. I make videos about fitness, travel, photography, dogs/cats, and anything Japanese. I love Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese foods. I also love travelling and making travel videos. I have travelled to New Zealand, U.S., Thailand, Philippines, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine, and Poland. I have studied abroad in three countries: NZ, Canada, and Czech. I learned English, Spanish, and Czech. I knew life was too short to complain about things I wanted to but couldn't because of naive excuses. After realizing and fully internalizing that life is really too short and I could die tomorrow, I decided to create this YouTube channel to explore, share, and express what I want and like.


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