Duration 2:13:59

.NET 6 Web API with Entity Framework Core and SQL Server. Angular 13 CRUD App. Full stack.

184 180 watched
3.4 K
Published 12 Dec 2021

Build a full-stack CRUD app. Back end: .NET 6, Entity Framework Core, SQL Server Express. Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition Front end: Angular 13, Bootstrap 5. Visual Studio Code GitHub Angular 13 App: https://github.com/james-schneider/angular13-inspection-app .NET 6 Web API: https://github.com/james-schneider/inspection-app-api 0:00:00 - Intro and project setup 0:02:50 - New ASP.NET Core Web API project 0:05:00 - Create Models 0:11:02 - Create Data Context 0:11:52 - Install dependencies 0:15:09 - Update Program.cs and appsettings.json 0:20:30 - Create database migration 0:24:45 - Add migration/update database 0:25:18 - Open SQL Server Management Studio 0:28:00 - Create Controllers 0:30:08 - Test API with Swagger 0:36:36 - Create Angular 13 App 0:39:35 - Add Bootstrap 5 0:40:54 - Create Components 0:42:17 - Create Service 0:43:16 - Update app.module.ts 0:45:07 - Add methods to API service 0:53:58 - Begin updating the Typescript files and html template files of the inspection components 1:01:00 - Create table to display inspections 1:12:26 - Create Map for inspection types 1:23:45 - Create form for updating and deleting inspections 1:44:20 - addInspection() method 1:51:33 - Add alerts and custom CSS 2:00:57 - updateInspection() method 2:14:16 - delete() method Sharing data between child and parent components with @Input and @Output decorators (Angular 12) /watch/wA_FaXPopsqoF Learn Spanish: https://torogoz.academy/


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