Duration 5:2

MyPillow CEO Gets Roasted After Idaho Recount Takes Votes AWAY From Trump

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Published 1 Oct 2021

The Republican-controlled government in Idaho is not happy with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Lindell recently told Republican officials in Idaho that he had evidence of tens of thousands of votes being "flipped" to Biden in the state, so they conducted a hand recount to see what happened. Their recount didn't take long, and it resulted in votes being taken AWAY from Donald Trump. Farron Cousins explains why this didn't sit well with Republicans. Link - https://www.rawstory.com/lindell-idaho/ Don't forget to like, comment, and share! And subscribe to stay connected! Connect with Farron on Twitter: https://twitter.com/farronbalanced *This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos. My pillow CEO, Michael Lindell is not giving up his crusade to somehow prove that the 2020 election was stolen. And recently he told the Republican controlled government of the state of Idaho, that he had evidence and he published this evidence on his website, Frank speech.com evidence that 32,000 votes in the state of Idaho were flipped somehow from Trump to Biden. Even though Trump won Idaho still 32,000 votes flipped. And he gave this information to the Republicans in Idaho and they said, oh my God, all right, we're going to do a recount. This is crazy. They all believed in, by the way, they all 100% believed what Mike Lindell had to say. So over the last week or two, they've been conducting recounts in several counties where Michael and said he had identified thousands of cases of voter fraud. Well, two very little fanfare this week, those results came out and you know what they found? Well, they found the same thing that the Arizona ballot audit found. And that was that, oops, we over counted the number of votes that Trump got. So we actually have to take away some Trump votes. Now in Arizona, it was 261 votes. They had to take away from Trump in these Idaho counties. It was only eight, just eight. That's not too bad, right? We just over counted eight, somebody, you know, uh, eight people got double counted, I guess. So, okay. We took away the eight votes, but still losing those eight votes proving that Mike Lindell was lying about the fraud off some officials in Idaho, not enough, by the way. Cause they've still said we're going to recount more counties based on Mike Lindell's evidence. So even though they've already done, I think three or four counties that Mike Lindell said were ripe with fraud. They literally found no fraud. They found no votes flipped. They just found a little bit of double counting that all benefited Trump. So they're still like now we're not giving up yet. We're going to keep doing this. Cause Mike Lindell says we do, but at least one official is out there saying, I'm tired of this. We've read this statement from him. This is from Bonner county clerk, Mike Rosedale. And he said, while I generally agree with Mike, Lindell's focus on massive voter fraud in six plus key states, his facts regarding Idaho quite missed the mark. Well completely missed the mark. What this means is that somebody just assigned a magic vote fraud number to all Idaho counties. Their goal appears to make a big splash, shocking all every state, all the horror. This should make your blood boil for the sake of apparently trying to make a big splash. He tarnished the reputations of possibly thousands of counties across the USA. Smooth move. Mr. Lindell, Mr. Rosedale concluded. But I love it because Rosedale here and I don't even know. I can't even tell. I looked up. I can't find if he's a Republican or a Democrat. Cause he did say he believes it still believes Michael and Dell about six key states. But uh, he saying the exact same thing I said about Michael and Dell cyber symposium, they literally just pulled these numbers out of their. Like they ha they just came up with random numbers and said, well, here's the number of voter fraud in this state. Lindale had no evidence. And when his evidence has been checked against reality, he has lost every time because he is lying his stupid little face off in Idaho. Even after taking votes away from Trump, they're still like, well, we're still gonna keep doing it. You know, we got, we got more counties maybe, maybe over here in this tiny county, we're going to find the 32,000 votes that flipped. You're never going to find them because Mike Landau made it up. You already checked his evidence. You checked his work and you found out he was wrong. What more do you need? Your own county clerk is sitting there telling you like, Hey, this guy's wrong. Like way wrong, smooth move guy. They're going to keep at it. And you know what? At this point folks, I was against these audits because I felt it was a waste of money. But at this point we're finding more votes for Biden. You're we're finding a lot of areas that are over counting Trump votes, like maybe, maybe, maybe there's something to these voter fraud claims.


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